Why Magic Ears? We Asked Our Teachers!

You may know basic company information about Magic Ears, but what sets us apart from other companies? 

Our teachers are the backbone of our company, so we decided to ask them! 

1. " Magic Ears is a great company to work for. They really care about their teachers, making sure they are given opportunities for professional development and growth in other areas. They are personable, knowing you by name. Their lessons are very fun and interactive! You will never be bored teaching for Magic Ears! It is always exciting and engaging!" - Suman Dhawan

2. "I chose Magic Ears because they make me feel like my efforts matter. You are more than a number at Magic Ears." - Janice Cook

3. " I love that Magic Ears feels like a big family. Both the teachers and the staff are always sharing tips on how to make the classes amazing for our students. I feel like we are always working together to give them the best experience possible!" - April Tierney

4. I like Magic Ears not because they hired us to fill a position, but they hired us because of the difference we can make." - Jake Stout

5. "Honestly, it was love at first sight for Bonny and I. I'm such a girly girl and the thought of working for the company with the cutest mascot was a dream. Then after joining the Q and A group, I discovered a community of ESL teachers with the same amount of passion for ESL as I have. At that moment I knew this was the right place for me, and I never looked back. " - Kisha L. Russel

6. "I love Magic Ears because they make every teacher feel special and valued!" - Hope Williams

7. "I applied to Magic Ears because it sounded like the next fresh ESL company that was going places! The competitive pay and new-coming platform drew me in, and amazing support as kept me!" - Jessica Paredes

8.  "I've been teaching ESL online for more than a year, but only recently found Magic Ears. I've been so impressed with the company, from the care and concern for its teachers to the fun and interactive platform for both teachers and students. Magic Ears stands out in the ESL market for all the right reasons, and I'm happy to be a part of the family." - Stephen O'Kane

9. " I chose to apply and work for Magic Ears because I felt very supported and valued in this company. The hours, pay, and opportunity is absolutely wonderful! I can honestly say this job is the most rewarding and fulfilling job I have ever had!"- Kari Bruderer

10. " There's so many reason I love Magic Ears, but the first one that comes to mind is that if you don't feel well, it's so easy to call them and get a teacher to cover your class for you!" - Debbie Lee

If you are interested in learning more about Magic Ears, or being mentored through the application process by one of these teachers, join our official Q and A group on Facebook! 
