Props can make the classroom and learning experience even more magical! Looking for some prop ideas? Check out some of our teachers' favorites!
1. Colorful Poms
" My rainbow fuzzy poms have become my favorite prop. I use them to teach colors, play guessing games, and even throw them like confetti! I can use my poms for most of my classes." - Teacher Romney Anderton
2. Stuffed Animal
" I have to say I use George almost every lesson because he is so versatile...he can show us high fives, shake hands, head-shoulders-knees-and-toes, I can wash my knees, he can be used as a baby to rock or a friend to hug, and can also help with repeating. You name it, he can do it!" - Teacher Beth Thelen
3. Brightly Colored Puppets
"First, he is so cute! He is bright and cheerful! I use him to help me sing songs, get distracted students engaged, and when trying to show students "my name is..."." - Teacher Kris Withrow
"So this little fellow is probably my favorite prop to use. I find that a puppet is very versatile especially when trying to convey most abstract concepts. When working with more reserved students, it seems to put them more at ease. I had one new student that refused to practice with me, but practiced with this puppet."- Teacher Crystal Piquette
4. Giant Trophy
" I like to pretend to hand the students a trophy through my camera when they do something that impresses me. I usually keep it on a shelf behind me when I teach so the students always see it and make a big deal out of it when I turn around and get it to reward the students." - Teacher Mitchell Spencer
5. A Giant Stuffed Bear
"My bear is my favorite prop because he is bearrrrry big!" - Teacher Serena Keough
6. Eggs
" I love when I get to use eggs as props! I like to boil them ahead of time and wager with the kids if they answer all the questions correctly in the final game, I'll smash it on my head. They never expect it to be boiled and always get a good kick out of it! I cracked a raw egg into a pan for a lesson about breakfast and my student was so shocked that it was a real egg!" - Teacher Carley Clagg
7. ManyCam
"ManyCam is an inexpensive way to add Magic to the ME classroom! It's fun, engaging, and can still be very helpful when explaining abstract topics. No ink, no laminator, no problem! ManyCam is your all in one prop shop!" - Teacher Kisha L. Russel
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